National Popular Vote

After the electoral mess of 2000, which came close to being repeated in 2004, many of us believed that the time had come for electoral college reform at the national level. While a constitutional amendment seemed out of reach, one proposal, the National Popular Vote compact, seems to be a workable solution. Under the National …

Cell tower proposal — are there alternatives?

Regarding Verizon’s proposal to site a tall cell tower in Belmont on Rte. 2 (, are there feasible solutions that would improve our cell coverage but which would use less visible antennae?  What are the trade-offs?

Municipal health insurance update

Groups from diverse perspectives — the Boston Foundation, Stand for Children, the Massachusetts Municipal Association, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation — are pushing for change in municipal health insurance. I think that the legislature is really beginning to focus on making something happen and I am starting to be hopeful that we’ll have a bill this spring.