Families Affected by Shaken Baby Syndrome Collaborate to Produce Quilt

Thank you very much to State Representative Brownsberger for allowing us to post this to his website.  It is very much appreciated. Families affected by Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma are collaborating with Massachusetts Citizens for Children (MCC) to produce by this fall a Massachusetts-specific SBS Commemorative Quilt to honor the children in our state who …

Fear and Loathing in the Big Dig

Hi Will — I will be honest with you, the front page Globe article on the lights in the new central artery/harbor tunnels scared the bejezus out of me. Not so much because of the thousand-pounds of lights hanging precariously over my head every time I go to the airport, but moreso the final comment of the …

Support for Brewers request to change Distributor laws

Hi Will – just a note to let you know that I support the bill, filed by Rep. John Binienda, of Worcester,  that would exempt small brewers from the laws protecting wholesalers in MA. The law was written at a time when there were only two or three brewers in the market. Since that time, …