Upcoming Event- The Courts, the Congress, and the Future of Marriage Equality

On Thursday, May 3, at 4 pm, Congressman Barney Frank, Mary L. Bonauto, Director of the Civil Rights Project at GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders), and Maura Healey, Chief  of the Public Protection & Advocacy Bureau in the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, will speak at the Boston Bar Association on the topic of …

Mental Health services losing ground?

Did your office find whether the Kaiser Foundation report on Massachusetts funding of Mental Health was accurate?  In that report, Massachusetts was reported as paying significantly less per capita than any New England state, save Rhode Island, for Mental Health Services. The difference was startling. http://statehealthfacts.org/ A recent SAMSHA report stated that 1 in 5  (19.9%) of American adults …

Transportation Bond Bill Passes Senate with Funding for Localities

On Thursday, the Senate passed legislation to provide funding to continue current transportation-related projects through Fiscal Year 2013. The Chapter 90 funds appropriated by this bill for local projects, including roadway and bridge  repairs, will support the infrastructure of the Commonwealth’s cities and towns.  This appropriation of $200 million (equivalent to last year’s appropriation) represents …