Program Available for Natural Gas and Fuel Oil Users   The Town of Belmont, through its Energy Committee and the Belmont Municipal Light Department (BMLD), is offering Belmont residents free, comprehensive home energy assessments to save energy and money. Audits can now be obtained whether you heat your home with natural gas or with oil. …

Is there any way to make BMLD more solar-friendly?

Dear Will, I am looking into solar panels for my Belmont house, and have been dismayed to discover how solar-unfriendly BMLD is. In addition to opting out of the Mass rebate program (which is worth up to $4000 when buying panels), the buyback tariff seems designed to discourage solar. If I’m reading the tarriff document …

Youth Homelessness Epidemic Kickstarter Video

The average age of a person experiencing homelessness in MA is just 8 years old!   Please view the kickstarter project “Invisible Faces” to see how you can make a difference in the lives of over 14,000 homeless youth in Massachusetts! The funding for this project will support youth homeless programs including Youth on Fire …