Non-competes of "very limited utility" in China, unenforceable in India

While China and India are often accused of having lax labor standards, non-competes are one area where their laws are stronger than in Massachusetts. Perhaps we should consider their laws as a model for Massachusetts: Re China, from “Employers simply need to face the fact that non-competition agreements have very limited utility under Chinese …

FAA Opens Public Comment Period for Logan Draft Environmental Assessment

Representatives of MassPort briefed legislative offices today about the FAA’s proposal for a satellite-guided airplane route that would reduce net noise pollution in the Greater Boston area. They indicated that an increase in noise levels in communities like Belmont and Watertown would be negligible and that no Boston neighborhood would see any increase in noise levels. …

Who’s making headlines on Will’s website?

You are! Submit your artwork for a chance to have it featured on our website   homepage. We want to showcase the artistic talent in our district with fresh artwork that will appear within the main website header – the top horizontal banner with the navigation elements. This is a chance to be fun and creative …

employers have other ways to protect themselves that make more sense

will, thanks for sponsoring such an important piece of legislation. i’ve signed over a dozen non-competes in software and life science industries on both coasts. too often they lead to ill-will and excessively long legal discussions leading to acceptance of a intentionally vague document, because its “standard” and/or “un-enforceable” i’ve come to understand, however, that …

Balancing company rights vs. employee’s rights

If the purpose of non-competition agreements is to preserve companies’ ownership of specific technologies or intellectual property developed by and legaly ownable by them, then non-competetion should be STRICTLY limited just to those items, and not allowed to effect a blanket and open-ended suffocation of further innovation by the employee (once he/she leaves the company). …

Job Descriptions Matter

In technical fields, scientists and development engineers are subject to NCAs, but so are quality engineers, technical writers, and UX people, to name a few, often because they work in the engineering part of the organization. However, non-engineers are not about to apply what they know about their last company’s products to those of the …