Privacy Legislation

Recently, I have received a number of emails in the form below. I share these concerns and I am pleased to cosponsor the Electronic Privacy Act. I will also cosponsor the following related privacy bills: the Free Speech Protection Act (sponsored by Senator Chandler and Representative Lewis); the Act relative to Social Media Privacy Protection …

Federal Funding Eligibility Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Recently, the Senator has heard from constituents via email in the form found below who are concerned about the state taking action to ensure federal funding for Medicaid expansion. I spoke with the state’s Office of Medicaid and learned that the Governor will be filing legislation to update the state’s laws to comply with the …

Summarizing the Conversation through January 15

I’m very grateful to the dozens of people who have offered thoughts in this forum on gun violence. It is clear that at least one, and perhaps, several comprehensive anti-violence packages will be filed and considered in this legislative session. The thoughts expressed in this forum will help guide me through the continuing conversation. I’ve …

Federal Attorney Carmen Ortiz Must Go

Once again Boston Federal Prosecutor Carmen Ortiz has overreached and ruined the life yet another promising young man. When Internet prodigy Aaron Schwartz downloaded 4 million academic articles from the JSTORE site (legally, with a guest login at MIT), she (with MIT’s backing) threw the book at him, charging him with 13 dubious felony charges …