Upcoming service changes on the Fitchburg Commuter Rail Line

We have received the following information about the upcoming service outages on the Fitchburg commuter rail line. MassDOT is in the process of a major rehabilitation of that line which requires service accommodations: Weekend Service on the Fitchburg Line is curtailed to support the Fitchburg Line Rehabilitation effort. Currently, weekend service terminates at South Acton …

Legislators Express Support For Extending Statute of Limitations on Civil Child Sexual Abuse Claims

Last week, Senator Brownsberger and Representative Lawn submitted a letter, signed by over 100 legislators, to the Senate President and Speaker of the House, expressing their eagerness “for the opportunity to vote to abolish or retroactively extend the statute of limitations on civil lawsuits for childhood sexual abuse.” They recognized that “many victims are not ready …

Apply for the 71st Citizens’ Legislative Seminar

  Senator Brownsberger Announces 71st Citizens’ Legislative Seminar in October -Invites Constituents to Come Learn the Legislative Process-    Senator Brownsberger is pleased to announce that the 71st Citizens’ Legislative Seminar (CLS) will be held this fall on Tuesday, October 15th and Wednesday, October 16th from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the State House. Each …

New Meeting of Boston School Quality Working Group: August 7, 2013

The Boston School Quality Working Group will meet again on Wednesday, August 7, at 26 Court Street on the first floor in Winter Chambers and the adjacent conference room. The Senator’s office learned from the Mayor’s office that the Measuring Quality and Community Outreach Subcommittees will meet from 6 to 8:30 pm, while the Quality Assurance Subcommittee …