Yesterday I got an email from another parent, saying that most if not all Boston public schools are facing substantial budget cuts next year. For example, Winship Elementary (where my son goes) shows a WSF allocation of $2,867,109 for FY14 ( page 115) and a projected WSF allocation of $2,349,227 for FY15 ( page 3) …
Bowker Overpass — Multistage Construction?
Recently, concerns have been expressed that the Bowker project is actually larger than people have realized. This concern comes from the presence of multiple Bowker related projects in MassDOT’s project management system. Paul Nelson at MassDOT has offered the clarification below: I understand that trying to use our Project Information System can be a bit …
Continue reading “Bowker Overpass — Multistage Construction?”
S1112, An Act relative to the establishment of independent forensic laboratories and the oversight and accreditation of such laboratories.
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Safety. TO: Committee on Public Safety FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: S1112, An Act relative to the establishment of independent forensic sciences laboratories and the oversight and accreditation of such laboratories. DATE: February 11, 2014 I am writing in support of S1112, …
Fitchburg Cutoff Path Winter Snow Maintenance
The full length of the Fitchburg Cutoff Bike Path opened this fall, connecting Belmont to Alewife station, and has already become a vital link to the regional transit network for many who live or work west of Alewife. Unfortunately, this fact has been lost on the DCR, which is doing an unacceptably poor job clearing …
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Public Health Insurance Option
I’ve recently been receiving notices that constituents of mine have been signing a MoveOn petition urging me to support Senate 514, An Act Establishing a Public Health Insurance Option. Senate 514 is a serious, well-assembled legislative proposal which speaks to important issues — strengthening competition in the health insurance market place and improving access to …
Update regarding 73 Service
Many are waiting for answers regarding the perceived deterioration of 73 service. I had the occasion to get an informal response from the MBTA on this issue today: MBTA staff have reviewed your comments at this website. They have received my letter further conveying concerns. They agree that there has been a meaningful deterioration of …