Letter to FAA re Watertown and Belmont airplane noise

Senator Brownsberger and other legislators sent the following letter to the FAA regarding local airplane noise. December 18, 2013 Amy Lind Corbett, Regional Administrator Federal Aviation Administration New England Region 12 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803-5299 Dear Ms. Corbett: We write as the state delegation representing Watertown and Belmont out of concern arising …

Privacy – It’s not just the NSA, it’s Boston Police abusing Your Rights

For anyone interested in how well meaning government policies and practices can be subverted or simply mis-implemented, please see the Globe article: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/12/14/boston-police-suspend-use-high-tech-licence-plate-readers-amid-privacy-concerns/B2hy9UIzC7KzebnGyQ0JNM/story.html *Direct quotes from this article are indicated by trailing asterisk Summary: The Boston Police operate an automated license plate scanner program. The purpose is to gather as much information as possible and …

Belmont Solar Challenge: Community-based Group-purchasing of Photovoltaic Solar

Sustainable Belmont (http://www.sustainablebelmont.net) has a new committee, Belmont Solar Challenge (http://www.sustainablebelmont.net/?p=326), which is researching community-based group-purchasing for photovoltaic solar systems. We can be reached at BelmontSolarChallenge@gmail.com. Our goal is to make it easier and cheaper for homeowners, nonprofits, and small businesses in Belmont to find and purchase solar systems to satisfy their electricity needs. In …

Update on Airplane Noise over Belmont and Watertown

Affected residents in Belmont and Watertown have begun to organize in response to an increase in airplane noise due to the Runway 33L departure procedure.  Click  here for our first report on this in February. Recently, Senator Brownsberger’s office has heard from many residents negatively impacted by the new departure procedure. Affected residents are encouraged to …

Watertown selected in 2013 Solarize Mass program

Congratulations to Watertown for being selected as one of 15 communities to participate in the second round of the 2013 Solarize Mass program, an initiative of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Green Communities Division.  Below is the press release from the Executive Office of Energy and …

Holiday season events and programs in Boston

We share this press release from the City of Boston about activities you can participate in during the holiday season to support neighborhood businesses throughout the city. Here is the link to the full Winter Brochure. *********************** Mayor Menino Kicks Off Holiday Season with New Shopping Program, Decorating Contests, Holiday Parking Incentives Holidays on Main Streets …