Divest from Fossil Fuels?

I want to start a conversation on this site about a matter before the Senate that has been troubling me. I’d like to hear how my constituents feel about Senate 1225 which would require the state’s pension fund to sell all stocks in oil, coal and gas companies (fossil fuel companies). My initial reaction to …

The Green Line Maintenance Yard

I had a fascinating visit a couple of weeks ago to the Green Line Maintenance Yard in Newton. They roll cars in on a track extension and inspect them and perform routine maintenance from an underground trench. If the cars need heavier maintenance, they can roll them onto a special track and lift up the …

New law requiring fingerprinting of school and camp staff

A new law (Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2013) requires the fingerprinting of all staff at both public and private schools who are in contact with students.  The procedure is that a person goes to an FBI-approved vendor who takes the fingerprints.  They are then sent to the FBI which checks for matches with …

Senate Passes Bill for Long-Term Substance Abuse Recovery

Senator Brownsberger stood with Senate President Murray and fellow Senators at the President’s May 8th press conference as she announced her plan to address the need for long-term substance abuse treatment in the Commonwealth. Senator Brownsberger serves on the Senate Special Committee on Drug Abuse and Treatment Options. The Senate took up bill S2133 in formal session today (5/13). It passed unanimously, including an …