After two years of negotiations, the bill on the Governor’s desk has become a bill about improving gun safety–as opposed to a bill about taking away guns or making it harder to legally own guns.
Non-compete reform left out of final bill
The Boston Herald reports that, “An amendment that would have limited the use of non-compete agreements in employee contracts did not make the final version of the state Legislature’s economic development bill. The amendment, written by state Senator William Brownsberger (D-Belmont), would have banned the use of non-competes on hourly employees and provided legal incentives …
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The Non-Compete Stands
Boston Magazine reports that Employers advocating for the use of non-compete agreements may have claimed a victory this legislative session. After months of public outrage, rallies at the State House, hearings before elected leaders, and a large push from the tech community here in Boston—not to mention support from the City Council—it looks as though …
In the end, the Legislature opts not to touch noncompete agreements this year
Boston Business Journal says, “It looks like noncompetition agreements in their current form aren’t going anywhere in Massachusetts. After an agreement in the House and Senate that effectively leaves noncompete agreement reform out of the state economic development bill.”
Alewife’s Silver Maple Forest: Growth And Conflict
In part two of a focus series on growth in Massachusetts, WGBH explores how the need for housing can conflict with the benefits and desire to protect and preserve natural spaces. This 12-minute Greater Boston video (scroll down in the print story) focuses on the 298-unit apartment complex that would be built in Belmont on …
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Apply now to attend the fall Citizens’ Legislative Seminar
All residents in the Second Suffolk and Middlesex District are invited to submit a cover letter expressing their interest in being nominated to participate in the 73rd Citizens’ Legislative Seminar (CLS) this fall on Tuesday, October 14 and Wednesday, October 15 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the State House.