Daniel Winter calls for the legislature to hold hearings and set state wide policy on when, who, how and which agency of the police are allowed to bring out SWAT and Military type equipment.
Net Metering – Committee Summary
A summary of S.2214, An act relative to credit for thermal energy generated with renewable fuels, written by the staff of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
Local Housing Authority Reform – Committee Summary
A summary of H.4374, An act relative to local housing authority reform, written by the staff of the Joint Committee on Housing.
Session summary from the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs
The staff of the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs prepared this end-of-session summary to highlight some of the committee’s legislative accomplishments for 2013-2014.
The 73 bus
A constituent of Will’s shares a letter she sent to the MBTA about service issues on the 73 bus line.
“Know Your Zone” Hurricane Awareness Campaign
In the event that the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency issues a hurricane evacuation order, these are the evacuation zones within Will’s Senate district.