Latest Non-Competition Agreement News

I heard on the radio that there was some movement on limiting non-competes in Massachusetts – is that still likely to happen? The description sounded like very weak sauce – restricting to “only” a year, for example. In my opinion if we want to compete with silicon valley for innovation, we should be at least …

SREC II Emergency Extension

On Friday, April 8th, 2016 DOER announced emergency regulations to extend SREC II.  SREC II was the second solar incentive program created by the state to support the installation of solar projects in the state from 400MW to 1,600MW of installed capacity.  The cap of 1,600MW of approved projects was hit in early March.  Please see the email from DOER …

The movement to reform criminal justice

I spent a Saturday in early April in Denver at a national meeting about criminal justice reform. The chance to hear what people are doing and thinking in other states was worth the plane time. The country is in the middle of a national attitude change on criminal justice issues: there is an increasing sense that we have gone too far with incarceration.

2016 Solar Net Metering Legislation

Comment from Will Brownsberger The chart Andrew has prepared below summarizes the status of incentives for different kinds of solar projects under the legislation that we approved yesterday. It is not an attractive package from the perspective of the solar industry. Small residential projects continue to receive the full retail net metering credit (in private …