Masslive reports on the reforms to mandatory minimum sentencing in the Senate Criminal Justice Reform package.
Mandatory sentences targeted in plan to change drug laws
State House News reports via the Gloucester Times on the changes to mandatory minimums as part of the Senate Criminal Justice Reform Package
Herald calls Senate effort too soft
The Herald editorial board weighed in to the conversation about the Senate criminal justice reform bill.
Biz groups push back on Mass. criminal justice bill
The Boston Globe details concerns raised by the Associated Industries of Massachusetts related to the criminal justice reform package’s proposed records reforms.
Update on Airplane Noise Reduction Recommendations
The International Center for Air Transportation (ICAT) at MIT has been studying noise from overhead airplanes in the communities surrounding Logan Airport, with a goal of recommending procedural modifications to Massport and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to reduce the impact of the flight paths. The study has included extensive outreach via community meetings, …
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Underage Sex in the Criminal Justice Bill
One section of the broad criminal justice reform bill before the senate would take away the possibility that consensual sex among kids close-in-age could be prosecuted.