Senator Brownsberger appeared alongside Wendy Murphy on WGBH’s Greater Boston with Jim Braude to discuss a provision included in the criminal justice reform package.
Students help advance forensic science reform in Massachusetts
Harvard Law Today details Wrongful Conviction Day at the State House, which highlighted current legislative efforts to stop wrongful convictions, including discussion of a bill filed by Senator Brownsberger that would create an independent forensic science commission to provide enhanced auditing and oversight of evidence.
MBTA – Tufts MC Station – Elevator Repairs
Hello Will, I have to say I am shocked by the MBTA’s plan for accomodating people needing elevator use including persons with disabilities at the Tuft’s Medical Center Orange line stop. According to posted signs, there will be no elevator acccess at the medical center stop from now till May 2018 (half a year). The …
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State Senator Discusses Criminal Justice Reform Bill
Chris Lovett of the Boston Neighborhood Network interviewed Senator Brownsberger about the Senate Criminal Justice Reform Package.
2nd Amendment
I know you supported this bill but you and your colleagues have just opened Pandora’s Box for anti -gun lobbyists to plow through. By backing this bill which took 4 days to pass your are setting a precedence for the anti-gun lobbyists. Las Vegas was horrible but no one knows what happened yet. But seizing …
More Needless BS
The States should get out of the business of trying to regulate guns. It should be handled at the Federal level. It should apply evenly across all 50 states. What happen if you had to have a license to speak and that license was only good in certain states. All hell would break loose. I …