Pedestrian safety At about 6:23AM, on Sunday, June 9, 2013, officers from District A-1 (Downtown) responded to a call for a motor vehicle accident involving a pedestrian in the area of Stuart & Charles Streets. On arrival, officers observed the Boston Fire Department and Boston EMS already treating an elderly female victim, approximately 80 years of …

Check your driver’s license renewal date!

In 2009, the Registry of Motor Vehicles discontinued mail notices of pending driver’s license expiration. They replaced it with an online service which I encouraged people to sign up for.  When I emailed advice of the new service it was widely reforwarded. If you took that advice, please be advised that the RMV has now …

Red Light Cameras – Just say no – A cautionary tale from the County Clerk

(Reposted from NMA Newsletter ( Editor’s Note: A few weeks ago, Ken Burke, the County Clerk of Circuit Courts in Pinellas County, Florida, wrote a letter to the Mayor of St. Petersburg detailing his many concerns over the city’s red-light camera program. The letter created quite a stir, and we applaud Mr. Burke for speaking …

Another reason to distrust computers (Photo RADAR/Photo RED LIGHT)

The story below once again illustrates that towns adopting Photo RADAR or Red Lights just don’t understand the limitations of computing challenges int he real world (or, that they are greedy and lazy and don’t care about these limitation or the effect of their citizens). There are real and effective solutions available through long-tested traffic …

Resources For Bicyclists

Recently in Senator Brownsberger’s office, the issue of bike safety has been raised.  We thought it may be a good idea to compile resources for cyclists in the district.   There are 3 categories of items: Bike Laws, what to do if you are in an accident, and maps and routes around the Greater Boston Area. Bike Law …

June is Lane Courtesy Month

Lane Courtesy Around The Globe The prominence of lane courtesy (slower traffic keep right) as standard driving practice varies greatly from place to place. European drivers are generally acknowledged as the most conscientious practitioners, exemplified by those who travel Germany’s autobahn where lane courtesy is strictly adhered to and accident rates are remarkably low, despite …