Off Topic — Roundbout or Circle Feedback (Road Safety)

Not  a current concern, but just some educational feedback from a group I belong to Roundabout Feedback Thanks to all who responded to our informal survey about roundabouts in last week’s e-newsletter. We have received close to 200 opinions, most from drivers who are quite experienced with roundabouts, both in the United States and overseas. Responses …

Red Light Cameras – Just Say No

Sorry, not a new topic, nor even a particularly hot one here, but I just saw a great report from Los Angeles on the dangers of Red Light cameras – increased rear-end collisions and significant monetary shortfalls costing the city upwards of $1m per year. It’s hard to explain why LA even continues the program until you …

Let’s Improve Officer Safety

Hi Will – I read with some interest the article in Globe regarding the deaths of several Police Officers on traffic enforcement duty ( This illustrates the danger of exceptional conditions on the highway. As long as traffic moves smoothly and everyone follows the rules, things generally work out fine, but anyone who’s ever been …