Complex Systems and the cost of Simple Solutions

I often criticize people in politics, particularly on the left, of trying to solve tough problems through simplistic solutions. (Note to all, yes, I’m more of a conservative, but Will Brownsberger appeals to me as a “thinking Liberal” so these comments don’t apply to him, so Will, don’t take offense – in my dealings with …

Notice of Public Hearings: The Commission on the Commonwealth’s Disability Retirement System

The Commission on the Commonwealth’s Disability Retirement System has issued the notice found below.  Senator Brownsberger serves as a co-chair of the Commission. Notice of Public Hearings The Commission on the Commonwealth’s Disability Retirement System   Monday, October 15th, 1-3pm Room A-1, State House; Boston, MA and Thursday, October 18th, 1-3pm Amphitheatre III (6th flr), …

The 8.25%: PRIT’s long-term actuarial target rate of return

In recent months, Senator Brownsberger has engaged in discussions with government officials regarding the actuarial target rate of return for the Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Trust fund (PRIT). The PRIT fund is the state’s pension fund, established by the legislature in 1983 to address the state pension system’s unfunded liability. PRIT’s long-term actuarial target …

Citizens United (continued)

Will, We are disappointed by your stance on the Citizens United decision and proposed constitutional amendment to reverse it  (Belmont Citizen’s Herald, March 25, and your website). You cast doubt on the alarming implications of the Court’s decision, asking “…do we, the people, feel that we need to be protected by government from hearing the …

S 772 and Citizens United

Dear Will, According to your website, you have decided to vote against a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to fix Citizens United.  As a friend of the First Amendment, I understand your reluctance to tinker with that great bulwark of our liberties.  But I have done a lot of thinking, speaking and writing about …