What is the status of the health insurance bill? I remain very concerned that this will be done in a way that allows municipalities to make unilateral changes in negotiated labor agreements — I gather that such a power is in fact a provision of the Senate bill, but NOT of the House bill.
Municipal Health Insurance
Municipal health insurance update
Groups from diverse perspectives — the Boston Foundation, Stand for Children, the Massachusetts Municipal Association, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation — are pushing for change in municipal health insurance. I think that the legislature is really beginning to focus on making something happen and I am starting to be hopeful that we’ll have a bill this spring.
Municipal Health Costs and Teachers’ Unions
I am responding to some comments I have seen here and also thinking about today’s Globe editorial on this topic. As a teacher and committed union member I think the recent spate of comments about teacher unions are WAY off as a generalization. I do not dispute that some unions are stubborn about health costs …
Continue reading “Municipal Health Costs and Teachers’ Unions”
Opposed to Lawrence support bill
Hi Will, Thx for your request for comment. Having spent 6 years in public office locally, I believe this bill is unlikely to be in our best interests as a Commonwealth. Since town and city govt’s are essentially at an impasse with organized labor, most notably teacher unions, the bill only postpones the inevitable. As …
Embracing change in municipal health insurance
I have decided to co-sponsor a controversial health care cost control bill authored by the Massachusetts Municipal Association.
Heatlh insurance costs savings, GIC Bill
Comments and testimony regarding the movement of municipal employee health plans into the group insurance commission.