House 5024, a bill requested by vote of Belmont’s Town Meeting, will give the Selectmen the authority to issue seven additional restaurant alcohol licenses. These will will be all-alcohol licenses for restaurants between 60 and 250 seats.
Community News/Concerns
allston, back bay, belmont, brighton, cambridge, fenway, watertown
Progress on Home Rule Petitions
The legislature enacted two more of Belmont’s five home rule petitions for this session
Responsibility for Trees Falling
After the tragic death of a Belmont child, I have received several inquiries about what could be done to prevent such an occurrence in the future.
Public Libraries and Accreditation
Will, As you well know many Towns and Cities are in crisis mode dealing with budget shortfalls. In Belmont we are looking at approx a $3.2m deficit assuming a $300k transfer from free cash is applied. An Override is on the table but it is uncertain it will pass and the consequences of passing it …
The Benton Library
I’ve had conversations with several friends in the Benton library area in Belmont who have sought my advice about how to interact with the town as the town decides what to do with the property.
Wellington Language Issue Resolved
On Tuesday, the Governor signed into law a bill eliminating any question about the exemption from Proposition 2.5 of the Wellington School bond issue. I am extremely grateful to the Governor, to my colleagues in the House, and to Senator Tolman and his colleagues in the Senate for moving the bill through so quickly.