Military Bond Bill

The Senate Press Release regarding the Military Bond Bill appears below. I was pleased to support the bill, which passed with only two dissenting votes. Opponents expressed concerns about the overall balance of military vs. peaceful governmental expenditures in the country. This bill authorizes a relatively modest ($177 million) multi-year spending program for economic development …

Massachusetts Leads in Veteran Services

Massachusetts Leads in Veteran Services Please find below a Press Release from the Veterans Affairs Committee about spending on veterans’ needs.   It is a summary state-to-state comparison, but does tell the story that we in Massachusetts have made veterans’ services a high priority. ====================================================== The General Court of Massachusetts State House, Boston, 02133-1053   …

S1306, An Act relative to income tax liability for active duty military

  Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Revenue. TO:          Committee on Revenue FROM:    Senator William N. Brownsberger RE:          S1306, An Act relative to income tax liability for active duty military DATE:     June 11, 2013 I am writing in support of S1306, an Act relative to income tax liability for …