As members of the Senate, we want to say to victims, staff, and all whose lives were affected: We are sorry for what you have been through. You deserved better. We must do better.
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
Ethics Report Released
Today, the Senate Ethics Committee released its investigate report and recommendations regarding the conduct of Senator Rosenberg.
Quotations for State Senate Walls
What’s the most important thing you heard (or read) anyone from Massachusetts say?
Staying friends with facebook
I recently considered breaking up with Facebook, but I’ve decided there is a future for our relationship.
Mid-term Legislative Progress Report
The legislative session is half gone now and it is a good time for a progress report.
Community organizers aim to fix a flawed justice system, one bail check at a time
The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports on the Legislature’s criminal justice bills, highlighting proposed bail reform initiatives.