This is a question from the former director of public art in Cambridge: might you support state funding for the arts through a one-percent-for-art law, by which one percent of capital funding for a particular building project goes to a site-relevant public art work?
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
Non-compete draft language
Representative Ehrlich agreement and I have reached agreement on a draft that we both feel currently feel comfortable with. We look forward to further vetting and input. Formal hearings will occur in the Fall.
Banning agreements not to compete
Discussion is heating up in the State House about legislation to ban agreements not to compete. I filed with Senator Pat Jehlen a complete ban on these agreements and Rep. Lori Ehrlich has filed a bill that would limit them.
Tell the Judiciary Committee you support sexual health.
I am writing to ask you to contact the Judiciary Committee before their hearing on July 14th to express your support for two bills that protect sexual health services and opposition to two bills which are hostile to these services.
Comment Opportunity on Draft Oceans Management Plan
One of the most significant pieces of legislation that we passed in the 2007-8 session was the Oceans Act, which contemplates a science based planning process for the waters along the Massachusetts coast. The Oceans Advisory Commission is seeking input on a draft plan.
A Virtuous Cycle of Fear and Loathing
There is a lot more to reform, but by any fair reckoning, the last four months of legislative activity have been extraordinarily productive. It didn’t have to turn out that way.