On Thursday, the Senate passed legislation that should improve transition for students with special needs.
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
Feb 14 Federal HELP Committee Hearing on IOM Pain Report
On February 14 the U.S. Senate H.E.L.P. Committee will hold a Congressional hearing to review the Institute of Medicine’s 2011 report on pain, Relieving Pain in American: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education and Research. A little piece of Massachusetts trivia about this report. The chairperson of the IOM committee was Philip Pizzo, MD, …
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Support on drug bill
Will, This is such an important issue and I am so glad your are taking it on!! We have two family members who continue to be negatively affected by prescription pain killers which makes me very aware of the tight line one walks, starting from the very first prescription. Not that your bill addresses this but …
Limiting drugs to those who really need them
Will – while I appreciate the severity of this issue, as a practicing oncologist this bill would place significant constraints in terms of managing my patients. oncology patients frequently require long term narcotics, and I usually write several of these prescriptions daily. To stop and have to review each patient, every time, would be onerous …
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Prescription Drug Legislation
I believe that addressing the problem of adequately treating pain, while at the same time trying to stop misuse of prescription pain medications, is something that the legislature can try to solve, but I am afraid legislation is more likely to cause harm than help. Currently, health care providers are very worried about the consequences of …
Buprenorphine is an essential drug for me. Before I found a doctor who could prescribe it, I lived in constant pain. Please don’t make it even harder to get. I don’t get high on it. It just makes my life bearable.