The Senate gave preliminary approval to the Daly Field bill today, including an amendment requiring an appraisal that should give some comfort to those concerned about the value received for the slice of field time that Simmons is able to reserve under the legislation.
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
Daly Field Update
The legislation received a favorable report from the State Administration Committee. It is currently pending in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. The legislation would enable Simmons College to partner with the Department of Conservation of Recreation to rehabilitate the existing Daly field complex in Brighton.
S 772 and Citizens United
Dear Will, According to your website, you have decided to vote against a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to fix Citizens United. As a friend of the First Amendment, I understand your reluctance to tinker with that great bulwark of our liberties. But I have done a lot of thinking, speaking and writing about …
Jobs Bill Update
The Senate passed its version of the jobs bill last night, with some interesting features.
Another Tough Vote on Sentencing Reform
Over the past week, both branches of the legislature approved a compromise sentencing bill. The compromise is a very thoughtful improvement over the bill that I voted against last November, but it leaves much to be done.
Senate 304 and Citizens United
Senate 304 is the practical Massachusetts response to the Citizens United Case.