I’ve recently heard from a number of people with concerns about the health education bill, House 3434. I do support the bill, and I am, in fact, a cosponsor. Actually, the bill adds only a very limited reporting mandate for school districts; it does not mandate any curriculum.
arts, college for all?, education aid, independent learning, policies and programs, special education, structural reforms
The Conversation about Education
Mary Cummings, a teacher in Arlington, has started an education policy blog from the perspective of the trenches. It’s a welcome contribution.
A Teacher’s Perspective on Education Technology
Teachers are eager for new technology, but we don’t have enough of it in the schools. The students who have the equipment and really know how to use it for something other than gaming, are not the ones who need it. The rest have to be explicitly taught how to use technology as a learning tool. For my students, I have to teach them how to learn in general first.
How can the state help local school districts without sending them more money?
This post is a summary of the answers to this question that came out during a forum in Belmont in March with Commisioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Mitchell Chester.
Summary of education perspective
Education funding is a top personal priority for me. But there are deep questions about how we should deliver education and what the goals of education should be.
College for all?
Should universal post-secondary education be our goal? There is good evidence that the answer is no.