Appointments Announced
Representative Mike Moran, Representative Kevin Honan, Senator Sal DiDomenico and Senator Will Brownsberger would like to sincerely thank the community for their overwhelming interest in serving on the Leo M. Birmingham Parkway Advisory Board.
Due to the large number of applications we received, we were unable to appoint every applicant. The legislation authorizes us to appoint a Chair of the Advisory Board and 8 additional members (9 total). The Advisory Board will also have the opportunity to make additional appointments. If you expressed an interest in serving on the Advisory Board and were not appointed by the legislative delegation, please stay tuned for further opportunities to be added to the Board as a full or associate member.
After reviewing the applications, we are pleased to announce the following residents as members of the Advisory Board.
- Kirsten Ryan, Chair of the Advisory Board
- Barbara Moss
- Dwan Packnett
- Liz McGuire
- Aidan Redmond
- Jessica Kraft
- Megan Bishoff
- Leann Kosior
- Mary LaRosee
As a reminder, the Advisory Board was established through legislation after community members came together to express support for preserving the park land along the Birmingham Parkway.
Again, we thank everybody for their interest and support of this project.
After community members came together to express support for preserving the park land along the Birmingham Parkway, the Allston-Brighton legislative delegation came together to pass the legislation reproduced further below. The last section calls for the appointment of a Leo M. Birmingham Parkway advisory board to further the preservation and appropriate use of the park land. The meeting schedule of the advisory board will be determined by the advisory board, but it is likely to be at least monthly. The advisory board will advise the Department of Conservation and Recreation as to expenditure of funds received by the trust for the park and may engage in fundraising or volunteer activities for the benefit of the park.
Senator Sal DiDomenico, Representative Kevin Honan, Representative Mike Moran and myself are soliciting citizens interested in serving on the advisory board. Applications were due by Monday, March 22 at 5PM. We are in the process of reviewing applications and hope to announce appointments soon.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
Chapter 92 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 34D the following section:-
Section 34E. (a) There shall be a Leo M. Birmingham Parkway Trust Fund, which shall be used for the purposes of advancing recreational, educational and conservation interests including, but not limited to, the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure improvements for the parcel of land known as the Leo M. Birmingham Parkway, consisting of 584,814 square feet, more or less, and more particularly described on the city of Boston assessor’s map as parcel identification number 2202762003. The trust shall receive, hold and expend any monies received, from public or private sources, as appropriations, gifts, grants, donations, fees generated by permits, licenses and all other agreements not currently being directed to the General Fund relating to the use of the Leo M. Birmingham Parkway as authorized by the commissioner of conservation and recreation in consultation with the Leo M. Birmingham Parkway advisory board established pursuant to subsection (c). The department shall not make expenditures from this fund so as to cause the fund to be deficient. The books and records of the fund shall be subject to an audit by the state auditor, in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards, as often as the state auditor determines is necessary.
(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the parcel described in subsection (a), excluding the roadway, shall be used exclusively as a public park for recreational purposes and entitled in all respects to protections afforded to public parkland under Article XCVII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the commonwealth; provided, that the Guido Salvucci Bocci Court shall be maintained on the parcel.
(c) There shall be established a Leo M. Birmingham Parkway advisory board consisting of the following 9 members: 1 member to be appointed by a majority vote of the senator for the Second Suffolk and Middlesex district, the senator for the Middlesex and Suffolk district, the representative for the Seventeenth Suffolk district and the representative for the Eighteenth Suffolk district, who shall serve as chair; 2 members to be appointed by the senator for the Second Suffolk and Middlesex district; 2 members to be appointed by the senator for the Middlesex and Suffolk district; 2 members to be appointed by the representative for the Seventeenth Suffolk district; and 2 members to be appointed by the representative for the Eighteenth Suffolk district. The advisory board members shall serve 4 year terms. The advisory board may, by a majority vote, appoint up to 6 additional members. The advisory board shall meet at least biannually or as required to conduct business.
Google Maps Image of the Park Parcel

It’s an ideal place for a Cannabis Shop, as it is far away from residential housing.
I am humbled and excited to be appointed a member of the Birmingham Parkway Trust Advisory Board. This appointment represents a fantastic opportunity to be involved in the restoration and preservation of this wonderful parkland.
Thank you, Representative Mike Moran, Representative Kevin Honan, Senator Sal DiDomenico, Senator Will Brownsberger for the chance to better serve my community.