In the spirit of continuing to be a welcoming community, and acknowledging the recent increase in hate crimes across the Commonwealth and nationwide, residents of Belmont and surrounding communities are invited to Stand-Up for Safety – Hands Around the Pond on Saturday, December 17th from 1-2 p.m. on the Concord Avenue side of Clay Pit Pond in Belmont.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
The Future of the Red Line
Red Line service has been unstable over the past few weeks and I’ve heard from many about that, but there is reason for hope, in the long term, for big increases in both reliability and capacity.
What next after Tuesday?
We all need to process the events and that will take some time, but I’ll share some of the concerns that are at the top of my mind as a state legislator. I welcome your guidance now and at every stage of the process.
Electronic Tolling Updates
Highway Commissioner Tinlin reports good progress on the transition to electronic tolling on the Mass Pike. This is a great project and will have huge benefits.
Yes on Question 4
I thought the Boston Globe got it just right in its recent endorsement of Question 4: The question may not be perfectly framed, but the answer is definitely yes.
Charter Schools and Education Funding
As a legislator, I was struck by the brass of a recent campaign commercial. As a citizen, I am voting against Question 2, which would lift the cap on charter schools, because I am concerned about its impact on already-strained local school budgets. A Yes vote would create new schools without creating additional resources to pay for them.