One of the most difficult conversations we are having in the legislature these days is about how to reduce “solitary confinement” within our prisons. We are working hard to frame legislative measures that will support and encourage the necessary changes.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
After school care
After school care needs improvement.
Tax Return Disclosure
I am not quite on board for the tax return disclosure bill.
Homicide Ghettoside
While we want to lift people up, not lock them up, we have to preserve and even increase accountability for violence.
Crown Heights
Matt Ruskin, a Watertown native, has directed a great movie — very moving and speaking to real issues of our time.
Understanding Mandatory Minimum Sentencing for Drugs in Massachusetts
Drug dealing is a business. There are retailers — dealers who sell primarily to users — and there are wholesalers — dealers who sell primarily to lower-level dealers. Wholesale transactions are generally larger and our laws penalize larger transactions more heavily.