I have received hundreds of identical emails, mostly from people outside Massachusetts, urging me to support the Farm Animal Cruelty Act.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Silver Maple Forest Appraisal Process Update
According to the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs in a conversation I had yesterday, they are moving swiftly to retain an appraiser and expect to complete an appraisal in early April.
Resources on retiree health benefits
Key resources on this issues include: Mass Taxpayers Foundations report on municipal liabilities. Pioneer Institute White Paper: The Elephant in the Room: Unfunded Public Employee Health Care Benefits and GASB 45. Actuarial Valuation Reports for the Commonwealth. Federal Reserve Bank overview brief..
Presentation to the Arlington Budget and Revenue Task Force.
Arlington has lost aid, but is still getting more aid than most comparable communities.
Belmont Deep Energy Retrofit Update
Building Sciences Corporation has published a case study of our super-insulated home project.
Presentation to the Belmont Board of Selectmen
In a presentation this evening to the Belmont Board of Selectmen, I will be discussing the outlook for local aid. I will also be discussing prospects for legislation on employee benefit costs and on education innovation.