Arlington has lost aid, but is still getting more aid than most comparable communities.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Belmont Deep Energy Retrofit Update
Building Sciences Corporation has published a case study of our super-insulated home project.
Presentation to the Belmont Board of Selectmen
In a presentation this evening to the Belmont Board of Selectmen, I will be discussing the outlook for local aid. I will also be discussing prospects for legislation on employee benefit costs and on education innovation.
Silver Maple Forest Update
As noted previously, Governor Patrick did not sign House 701. He did commit to conduct the appraisal contemplated by House 701. I am satisfied with this outcome — the bill would have accomplished nothing more. Confirmation of the appraisal commitment has now arrived in the form of the attached letter from Secretary of Environmental Affairs, …
A facet of pension reform: Buyback interest
It’s time to eliminate half-price sales of pension benefits for special employee groups.
Public/Private Benefits Comparisons
Given the controversy about public employee benefits, it is important to get a clear picture of how public retirement benefits compare to private retirement benefits. In a nutshell, they are much richer.