Will talks about the budget and taxes with Mike Widmer, President of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (video).
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
New information about the Governor’s tax package.
The Governor has rolled out a very useful tool for understanding the moving parts in his tax package
Armenian Genocide
Recently, I’ve received several emails in the form quoted below, opposing the teaching of the Armenian Genocide. I have been replying as follows. I do support Jon Hecht’s bill, House 420 which would mandate teaching about historical genocides, including the Armenian genocide. I think it would be reasonable to add other historical genocides to the …
How will we feel the federal budget sequester?
The federal budget sequestration will strain some visible federal programs — Head Start, air traffic control. It will hurt the poor. But what will the federal budget sequestration do to state and local government budgets? There are enough moving parts that the answer is not clear, but it appears that, overall, most state and local …
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How will the federal budget sequester affect state and local government budgets?
The federal budget sequestration will strain some visible federal programs — Head Start, air traffic control. But what will the federal budget sequestration do to state and local government budgets? There are enough moving parts that the answer is not clear, but it appears that, overall, most state and local governments will feel relatively limited …
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The Allston Brighton Friends of Daly Field will host a community meeting on the Daly Field renovation project.