A constituent talked to me about her efforts to recover from the April bombing — unscathed physically, but struggling to shake the experience of just being there. I’m sure that she is one of many who kept their limbs as bystanders in Boston and Watertown, but who are in fact victims. We agreed that I …
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Budget Outlook Positive for 2014-5
The state’s finances are looking up as the economy picks up — that was the main message at the annual “Revenue Hearing” today. At the same time, all who spoke cautioned against over-confidence. Every December, lead budget writers for the Governor, the House and the Senate convene to hear presentations from leading experts on the …
Video games and violence
About this time last year, after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a constituent from Watertown approached me with concern about the role that “first person shooter” games play in training people to commit acts of violence. We developed and, with the support of Representatives Hecht and Lawn from Watertown, filed legislation to study …
Senate passes Minimum Wage Increase
Please find below the text of a senate press release on our bill to increase the minimum wage. I was pleased to support this legislation. While a recognize that a drastic increase could have a severe impact on jobs and that even a modest increase will lead to job reductions in a few businesses, I’m …
Retiree Health Care Benefits
One of the critical issues before the Public Service Committee this year is retiree health care benefits. We recently held a hearing on the issue which Anne Landry has summarized — see below. I will be working closely with my colleagues to study the issue over the weeks to come. I welcome your thoughts and …
Storrow Drive Lane Closures
Below, please find the main text of a press release dated November 1 from DCR about Storrow Drive Lane Closures. =========================== WHAT: Beginning Monday, November 4 at 10:00 a.m., the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will implement an alternating single lane closure on Storrow Drive westbound at the Longfellow Bridge. The lane closure is being …