Info Links

State budget basics What entities comprise the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? What entities and activities does the legislature budget for annually? What are the major sources of revenue that support budgeted expenditures? What are the major objects of budgeted expenditures? How have the major categories of state spending grown over time? School Building Authority Process State …

Gun Violence — Overview and Reference

NOTE: This post has been superseded by this post. There many distinct types of gun violence including domestic violence, gang violence, and suicide. All are tragic, but mass murder by irrational shooters has catapulted to the top of the legislative agenda as a result of the Sandy Hook tragedy. There is a clear need for …

Sentencing Reform — Overview

At this stage in our history, we are overusing incarceration as a tool for protecting the public. We tend to focus on the terrible cases where we fail to lock up very dangerous people who go on to commit horrendous crimes. But of equal concern are the thousands of instances in which we lock up …

Non-competes — Background

News and resources on non-competition legislation Will’s 2013 Legislation Will’s 2012 legislation and Globe op-ed (with co-sponsor Lori Ehrlich) Browse older posts on non-competition legislation. Non-competes resource page (maintained by Caroline Huang) Statements re milestones on non-competition legislation Massachusetts Employment Lawyers Association endorses Non-Compete Bill Non-compete Bill Reported Favorably A small business perspective on non-compete …