Red Light Cameras – Just say no – A cautionary tale from the County Clerk

(Reposted from NMA Newsletter ( Editor’s Note: A few weeks ago, Ken Burke, the County Clerk of Circuit Courts in Pinellas County, Florida, wrote a letter to the Mayor of St. Petersburg detailing his many concerns over the city’s red-light camera program. The letter created quite a stir, and we applaud Mr. Burke for speaking …

How Bad Is It?

First — an editorial comment that this thread contains some of the most insightful and well thought-out commentary, both pro and con. I’m reduced to “yeah…..what they said!”. Will – you are blessed/cursed with a well-educated, well-spoken electorate. My $.02 : I’d like to make sure we’re all aware of the magnitude of the gun …

Off Topic – What makes us "Happy" – A formula for good government…

Interesting article on the happiest (aka most prosperous) countries in the world ( ———————————————————————– “…Indeed, most of the top 20 ‘happiest’ countries according to the index are in western Europe. So what gives? What do these nations have in common that can somehow explain their prosperity? Being an electoral democracy is virtually a given. Being …

Macy’s Closing Iconic Belmont Center Store

[note -For me  transportation issues also refer to issues like providing sufficient parking and creating functional streets to attract people to a community. Will – feel free to move this if you don’t feel this is the right forum] BREAKING: Macy’s Closing Iconic Belmont Center Store After more than 70 years on the site, center …

Complex Systems and the cost of Simple Solutions

I often criticize people in politics, particularly on the left, of trying to solve tough problems through simplistic solutions. (Note to all, yes, I’m more of a conservative, but Will Brownsberger appeals to me as a “thinking Liberal” so these comments don’t apply to him, so Will, don’t take offense – in my dealings with …

Another reason to distrust computers (Photo RADAR/Photo RED LIGHT)

The story below once again illustrates that towns adopting Photo RADAR or Red Lights just don’t understand the limitations of computing challenges int he real world (or, that they are greedy and lazy and don’t care about these limitation or the effect of their citizens). There are real and effective solutions available through long-tested traffic …