MBTA Improvements

Two recent presentations by the MBTA show good progress towards future improvements: Red Line Capacity Constraints A recent comprehensive study of the Red Line indicated that a new vehicles, signal upgrades and operations improvements could result in major service improvements and an increase in system throughput, effectively increasing capacity. Automated Fare Collection 2.0 AFC 2.0 will be a completely …

Arsenal Street Corridor Study: Public Meeting

Please join the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for a Public Information Meeting on the Arsenal Street Corridor Study Tuesday, October 4, 2016 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Watertown Middle School, Auditorium & Cafeteria 68 Waverley Ave, Watertown, MA The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is studying the Arsenal Street Corridor in Watertown. This study will develop …

Minuteman FAQ

Minuteman FAQ: Why is there a referendum on September 20, 2016? The decision has been made by the Minuteman School Committee to construct a new building at a total cost of $144,922,478 million.  The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) has committed to funding up to $44,139,213, the district must borrow the balance. Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 71, …