The ever-growing surveillance state

Although this seems to be a national issue this could also be an issue for a state representative blog site. The 10th amendment of the Constitution permits federal law nullification and carveouts see Unless your hiding under a rock you must be quite aware of what’s going on with respect to the fourth amendment …

Our decaying 3rd world, road infrastructure

Last week one night I was driving home from Ipswich on my way back to Wayland. I was on Rt 128 going south. What I noticed was that this major highway – this through fare of Boston and of our ‘high-tech’ corridor was so ‘patched’ with tar from an ever growing cancer of pot holes …

NDAA 2014

From the Tenth Amendment Center at this link: “The federal government, under the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), claims the power to arrest and detain people within the US and deny them access to courts, attorneys and more. In short, this is little more …