FY26 Budget Priorities Letter to Senate Ways and Means

March 18, 2025 

Michael J. Rodrigues 
Chair, Senate Committee on Ways and Means 
State House – Room 212 
Boston, MA 02133 

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to share my budgetary priorities for the FY26 budget.  

I write this letter at a time when the direction of federal funding is still unknown. If it subsequently becomes apparent that the federal government is deeply cutting funding for MassHealth, substantial preservation of MassHealth will become my top priority. 

Assuming no fundamental change in federal funding, the following are my top spending priorities: 

  • Provide as much support as possible for the MBTA’s continued recovery towards fully reliable service; 
  • Provide maximum support for local education, both through increasing minimum aid under Chapter 70 and through full funding of the special education circuit breaker; 
  • Continue to improve funding to the Department of Conservation and Recreation; 
  • Maximize housing support through MRVP and RAFT; 
  • Increase operational funding for the Massachusetts Sheriffs Association; 
  • Ensure full funding for the Committee for Public Counsel Services and the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation; 
  • Provide funding for reentry services including creating a kinship reentry pilot program; 
  • Provide funding for the Healthy Incentive Program. 

Additionally, I believe it is important to increase transparency as to our spending on affordable housing. I will offer a paragraph of language requiring the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities to implement an improved public-facing management information system. 

I would also like to identify the following pending policy items for discussion as possible outside sections and I am happy to provide draft language:  

  • Remove social security numbers from death certificates;  
  • Shorten early voting in-person period for general elections and eliminate it for primaries; 
  • Ban forced rental broker’s fees. 

All of the additional line-items below are of importance to me and my constituents: 

Indigent Representation and Legal Services 
0321-1500 Committee for Public Counsel Services 
0321-1510 Private Counsel Compensation – Committee for Public Counsel Services 
0321-1520 Indigent Persons Fees and Court Costs 
0321-2000 Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee 
0321-2100 Prisoners’ Legal Services 
7100-0700 Community Mediation Grant Program 
0840-0100 Victim and Witness Assistance Board 

Cultural Activities 
0640-0300 Massachusetts Cultural Council 

Early Education and Childcare 
1596-2410 Childcare Grants to Providers 
1596-2452 Child Care Supports 
1596-2435 Childcare Affordability 
3000-1042 Childcare Provider Reimbursement 
3000-2050 Children’s Trust Fund and Related Programs 
3000-3060 DCF and DTA Related Childcare 
3000-4040 Birth through Pre-School and Related Programs 
3000-4050 TANF-Related Childcare and Related Programs 
3000-4060 Income Eligible Childcare 
3000-5000 Grants to Head Start Programs and Related Programs 
3000-6075 Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Services 
3000-7000 Healthy Families Home Visiting Program and Related Programs 
3000-7050 Services for Infants and Parents 
3000-7070 Reach Out and Read Program 

Human Services Workers 
1599-6903 Chapter 257 and Human Service Reserve 
Personal Care Attendants – multiple line items 

Indigent Health Care 
4000-0500 MassHealth Managed Care 
4000-0600 MassHealth Senior Care 
4000-0700 MassHealth Fee for Service Payments 

Services for People with Disabilities 
4110-1000 Community Services for the Blind 
4110-3010 Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind 
4120-0200 Independent Living Centers 
4120-2000 Vocational Rehabilitation for the Disabled 
4120-3000 Employment Assistance 
4120-4000 Independent Living Assistance for the Multi Disabled and Related Programs and Easterseals Massachusetts College Navigator Program 
4120-4001 Accessible Housing Registry for Disabled Persons 
4120-6000 Head Injury Treatment Services and Related Programs 
4125-0100 Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 

Low-Income Support 
4400-1001 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Administration 
4400-1004 Healthy Incentives Program (HIP) 
4401-1000 Employment Services Program and Related Program 
4403-2000 Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)
4403-2119 Teen Structured Settings Program 
4408-1000 Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, Children (EAEDC) 

Public Health 
4510-0100 Public Health Critical Operations and Essential Services 
4510-0600 Environmental Health Assessment and Compliance 
4510-0710 Health Care Quality and Improvement 
4510-0810 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner & Pediatric SANE and Related Programs 
4512-0103 HIV/AIDS Prevention Treatment and Services and Related Programs 
4512-0201 Substance Abuse Step-Down Recovery Services 
4513-1020 Early Intervention and Related Programs 
4513-1112 Chronic Disease Prevention (including Alzheimer’s) 
4513-1130 Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention 
4513-1136 Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services 
4516-1000 State Laboratory and Communicable Disease Control Services 
4530-9000 Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program 
4590-0250 Smoking Prevention and Cessation  
4590-0925 Prostate Cancer Research Program 

Youth Services and Job Training 
1595-1075 Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund 
4000-0005 Safe and Successful Youth Initiative and Related Programs 
4000-0007 EOHHS Youth Homeless Program 
4590-1506 Youth Violence Prevention Grants and Related Programs 
4590-1507 Youth at Risk Matching Grants 
4800-0016 Transitional Employment Program (Roca) 
7061-9626 YouthBuild Grants 
7066-0015 Workforce Development Grants to Community Colleges and Related Programs 
7002-0012 YouthWorks and Related Programs 
7003-1206 Massachusetts Service Alliance and Related Programs 
7061-9634 Mentoring Matching Grants 

Mental Health 
5011-0100 Department of Mental Health Administration and Operations 
5042-5000 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Related Programs 
5046-0000 Adult Mental Health and Support Services 
5047-0001 Emergency Services and Mental Health Care and Related Programs 
5095-0015 Inpatient Facilities and Community-Based Mental Health 

Services for People with Developmental Disabilities 
5911-1003 Dept. of Developmental Disabilities Administration and Related Programs 
5911-2000 Transportation Services 
5920-2000 Community Residential Supports and Related Programs 
5920-2010 State-Operated Residential Supports and Related Programs 
5920-2025 Community Day and Work Programs 
5920-3000 Respite Family Supports for the Developmentally Disabled 
5920-3010 Autism Division 
5920-5000 Turning 22 – Dept. of Developmental Services 
5930-1000 State Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled 

Library Support 
7000-9101 Board of Library Commissioners 
7000-9401 State Aid to Regional Libraries 
7000-9406 Talking Book & Machine Learning 
7000-9406 Talking Book Program Watertown 
7000-9501 State Aid to Public Libraries 
7000-9506 Library Technology & Resource Sharing 
7000-9508 Mass. Center for the Book 

Housing and Homelessness Services 
1410-0250 Assistance to Homeless Veterans 
7004-0100 Caseworkers for Homeless Families and Individuals 
7004-0101 Emergency Assistance – Family Shelters & Services and Related Programs 
7004-0102 Homeless Individuals Assistance and Related Programs 
7004-0104 Home and Healthy for Good Program and Related Programs 
7004-0108 HomeBASE 
7004-1000 Supplemental Funding for Low Income Residents’ Utilities 
7004-2033 Fuel assistance 
7004-3036 Housing Services and Counseling 
7004-3045 Tenancy Preservation Program 
7004-4314 Service Coordinators Program 
7004-9005 Subsidies to Public Housing Authorities 
7004-9024 Mass. Rental Voucher Program – MRVP 
7004-9030 Alternative Housing Voucher Program 
7004-9034 Housing Assistance for Re-Entry Transition 
7004-9316 Residential Assistance for Families in Transition 
7004-9322 Secure Jobs Pilot 
7006-0011 Loan Originator Administration and Consumer Counseling Program 

Elementary and Secondary Education  
7009-9600 Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment and Related Programs 
7009-6600 Early College 
7010-0012 METCO 
7027-0019 School-to-Career Connecting Activities and Related Programs 
7030-1005 Reading Recovery and Related Programs 
7035-0035 Advanced Placement Math and Science Programs 
7061-0009 Chapter 70 Aid 
7061-0012 Special Education Circuit Breaker and related programs 
7061-9010 Charter School Reimbursement and related programs 
7061-9412 Extended Learning Time Grants 
7061-9611 After-School and Out-of-School Grants 
7066-0019 Concurrent & Dual Enrollment Programming (CDEP) 
7117-0100 Massachusetts College of Art and Design 

Scholarships and Fellowships 
7070-0065 Massachusetts State Scholarship Program 

Adult Education and Citizenship Services 
4003-0122 Low-Income Citizenship Program 
7035-0002 Adult Basic Education 

Elder Care 
1201-0100 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) 
9110-1604 Supportive Senior Housing Program 
9110-1630 Home Care Services 
9110-1633 Elder Home Care Case Management and Administration 
9110-1636 Elder Protective Services 
9110-1700 Elder Homeless Placement 
9110-1900 Elder Nutrition Program 
9110-9002 Grants to Councils on Aging 

William N. Brownsberger
State Senator
Suffolk & Middlesex District  

Published by Will Brownsberger

Will Brownsberger is State Senator from the Second Suffolk and Middlesex District.

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  1. Will, Thank you for sharing your Budget priorities. I strongly agree wih your statement that saving MassHealth should be a top priority if the Federal Government abandons Medicaid. Thank you for also including and referencing so many Public Health line items. The Department of Public Health is all to often one of the areas cut when times get tough, yet the infrastructure and programs it provides are critical. And thank you, once again, for your on-going focus on the T and so much more!

    1. Along these lines, is there any future for MassCare? the Massachusetts Medicare-For-All plan?

  2. Hi Will, thank you as always for your posts. I was curious about justification/information about two of the three pending policy items as I don’t have any context for them:

    * Remove social security numbers from death certificates;
    * Shorten early voting in-person period for general elections and eliminate it for primaries


    1. Thanks for the question.

      Only 3.4% of ballots cast in the last primary were cast early in-person. Most were cast by mail or on election day in-person. Maintaining the availability of early in person voting is a huge drain on local resources and a distraction from sound administration of elections. You have staff who could be preparing for election day sitting around waiting for voters to come in.

      Social security numbers on death certificates facility identity theft and serve no necessary purpose. The Globe wrote about it — link may be behind pay wall.

  3. Thanks for the info. When you say “Provide funding for the Healthy Incentive Program”, I hope that means returning it to the full funding. It used to give families $0, $60 or $80/month depending on household size. But it was cut back to $20/household for everyone in December.

    Do you know *why* it was cut?


    1. It means provide as much as we can! Not sure what this going to be. I’ve made it a personal priority, but how that shakes out in the process involving all the priorities of other legislators, we will see.

  4. Thank you for your thoughtful budget priorities, especially your support of our most vulnerable citizens should federal funds be stripped away.

  5. Massachusetts Cultural Council
    State support for artists and cultural organizations are key in a time when the National Endowment for the Arts is implementing a policy to defund representative voices and visions.

    The arts play an important role providing an oasis of expression and relief from the intense social and economic stresses being placed upon the citizens of our Commonwealth.

  6. I agree with and echo Stephen Shestakofsky’s response 100%.
    Also, as a performing musician, agree with Timothy as well.
    Bread AND roses.

  7. Thank you for your efforts to ban forced real estate agent fees on rentals. The rental market in Boston is very expensive and this just adds an enormous burden on the renter. The fee should be paid by the owner who hires the real estate agent and reaps the benefits of their work.

  8. Bravo! I am proud to have you as my Senator. Many thanks for all you do.
    Joan Florsheim Kramer

  9. It’s interesting to see this step in the budget process. I assume every legislator has a similar list. How all the input becomes a completed budget must be a fascinating process.

  10. Thank you, Will, for your continued clear-eyed commitment and communication. Reading this list of priorities in the midst of political chaos and confusion, and knowing that your words are backed by a legacy of wise statecraft, is tonic for the soul. In this moment, the states are called upon to take lead. As we near the 250th anniversary of Lexington Green, it is both fitting and proper that, once again and with your leadership, Massachusetts shines.

  11. Will, why are there no bills with environmental protection priorities listed here? No support for strengthening Chapter 87, the Massachusetts Shade Tree Act, which so badly needs updating; for protecting State forests in Western Mass, which play such an important role in reducing city temperatures in eastern Massachusetts; nor support for the Municipal Reforestation Act, to help the 301 cities and towns of Massachusetts preserve and protect their urban forests?

  12. I have no objection to more funding but do have suggestions:

    DCR should have reforms in addition to increased funding. First all road/bride support maintenance that they maintain should be transferred to MASSDOT. This has been talked about but as part of new funding moving this out of DCR should be a priority this will lead to some savings. Next policing on DCR properties is currently done by the State Police. State Police are very expensive. Allow the option to have some DCR properties policing switch to local police when cheaper. If Boston, Cambridge, or Quincy police are cheaper then State Police it makes sense to let them patrol DCR areas in their respective jurisdictions.

    MBTA/Regional Transit funding
    This is the big one. I believe we need to have new funding mechanisms in place. First raise the gas tax as we have had significant inflation since last gas tax increase as well as increase in hybrid/ev usage dropping gas tax collection revenue. Add an additional surcharge to all taxis/ride shares across the state that goes towards transit agencies. Also add a surcharge to all paid parking lots across the state with exceptions for paid parking at transit stations and ride share (Logan Express).

    Sheriff’s funding. I am a bit confused about this one what doe Sheriff’s do in this state aside from housing people in jail and serving warrants? Is there a reason local PDs and maybe court officers can’t take over this and we just remove the position of sheriff?

  13. Hi Will,

    There’s one item I don’t understand: “Shorten early voting in-person period for general elections and eliminate it for primaries” Why would you want to do this?


  14. Thank you, Will, for prioritizing the allocation of state funds to programs that help people.

  15. new apartments to increase housing near MBTA subway/bus services need to include plenty of small (400 square feet is plenty for 1-2 person apartment) and very basic, including condos for purchase and not only apartments to rent. This will accommodate the increasing population of 1-person households. Here in Watertown I’m informed that developers refuse to construct such small and simple units, saying they are not profitable. I disagree; we don’t need any more huge luxury apartments!

  16. Will thank you for the detailed and thoughtful comments. You mentioned potential budget cuts – do you and the legislature and Gov have thoughts on sudden and unexpectedly high losses in revenue (recession, tourism losses, tit for tat tariff penalties, etc)?

  17. Will, thank you for sharing your budget priorities. I also believe that many communities, including Belmont, could benefit from more Chapter 70 aid for schools and Circuit Breaker. We’re running with a desperately tight budget for our school system.

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