Dear Friends and Neighbors,
It is with great pleasure that Neighborhood Solar II is launched. Green Cambridge is partnering with Neighborhood Solar to help promote this program in Cambridge.
Right now, Massachusetts has excellent solar incentives and the federal government is giving a 30% tax credit through 2016. The goal of Neighborhood Solar is to combine these incentives and tax credits with the best solar prices and the best solar quality and craftsmanship. With this in mind, and based on the success of Neighborhood Solar I, SunBug Solar has agreed to be the installer. This initiative offers discounts that are on average 20% off the current cost of residential solar installations in Massachusetts.
Friends and neighbors using this program can reduce their carbon footprint and invest in alternative energy. Solar panels are an important step in this direction; in addition to the 20% discount offered through Neighborhood Solar, this program will take the guess work and mystery out of considering a solar installation.
This time-limited program opens to all residents, businesses, and non-profits in Watertown and Cambridge on Monday, May 1, 2015. The address is Contact information is: If you live in a neighboring community, please contact Jocelyn Tager at
Former Cambridge Mayor Henrietta Davis will host a public informational presentation on Wednesday, May 20, 2015, at 7:00 P.M. at the Cambridge Public Library, 449 Broadway Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts.