The long awaited direct bike path connection from Belmont (next to where the Fitchburg line crosses Brighton Street — click for map) to Alewife is open!
The overall project is in its final phase of construction, with connections to Cambridge Park Drive (previously open as a detour) and into the marsh currently closed. But you can cycle straight down from Belmont to Alewife now.
The final segment includes a new bike/pedestrian bridge across the Alewife Brook.
The project had two major components: First, the construction of a bikepath itself. That work was substantially completed a couple of years ago. But a major segment was closed pending construction of a drainage swale to accomodate storm water surges resulting from Cambridge’s separation of its storm and sewer systems. This is a project with huge local benefits — vastly reducing the frequency of sewage overflows into the Alewife.
The City of Cambridge has recreated a lovely landscape using native plants that will be new walking and wilderness appreciation area.
Bike paths into the area are not open as of this writing, but will open shortly.
A final opening ceremony is expected later in the fall. My predecessor in the state legislature, Anne Paulsen, deserves enormous credit for initially pushing to create a bike path from Belmont to Alewife and the City of Cambridge deserves enormous credit for moving forward with such a lovely restoration project. My role in the project was to bird-dog funding and land acquisitions to finally get the bike path moving.