S577, An Act regarding higher education opportunities for high school graduates in the Commonwealth

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Higher Education.


TO:                  Joint Committee on Higher Education

FROM:            Senator William N. Brownsberger

RE:                  Senate Bill 577, An Act regarding higher education opportunities for high school graduates in the Commonwealth, and House   Bill 1078, An Act regarding tuition equity for high school graduates in the Commonwealth

DATE:            December 10, 2013

I am writing in favor of S577 and H1078.

These bills, if enacted, would allow all students accepted to public institutions of higher education who have attended a Massachusetts high school for a minimum of three years and graduated or obtained a GED, without regard to immigration status, to pay in-state tuition rates like their peers from high school.

I hope you will report a version of these bills favorably.

View testimony.

Published by Anne Johnson Landry

Anne works as Committee Counsel and Policy Advisor to Senator Brownsberger.