Stem cell research holds potential for new treatments for many serious disorders, including diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease and many others. Blastocysts, from which stem cells are extracted, are microscopic balls of a few cells. They should be available for research if they are not wanted by the donors that created them. The state must …
A Woman’s Right to Choose
I support a woman’s right to choose. The government should not interfere in the most deeply personal decisions in our lives. Prevention is the top priority. We should do all that we can to reduce unintended pregnancy. Broad legal access to contraception is critical to helping women out of poverty. Teen pregnancy is one of …
The Death Penalty
I oppose the death penalty and have voted against its reinstitution in Massachusetts The death penalty wouldn’t make Massachusetts one bit safer. People who commit awful crimes are uniformly people who have little regard for the consequences of their actions — they will not be deterred by the threat of death. Also, as an experienced …
Alewife traffic issues
Six months ago, I shared with you some thoughts about traffic in the Alewife area. Here’s an update.
What is the carbon level we need to stabilize at?
To stop making the problem worse, we need to stabilize CO2 levels in the atmosphere — we need to stop putting out more CO2 than can be absorbed naturally. Global warming is driven by the cumulative total amount of CO2 we have put into the atmosphere less cumulative natural absorption.
What risk levels are associated with different levels of global warming?
2.0 degrees from pre-industrial levels — 1 to 1.5 from todays level — is a ceiling that some world organizations have viewed as troubling, but livable.