Estimators fairly consistently place agriculture (actual production of crops and animal products) at about 9-10% of the U.S. total of greenhouse gas emissions.
Carbon footprint and food choices — reducing animal product consumption
Reducing animal product consumption may be a fairly direct route to reducing one’s greenhouse gas footprint and offers collateral health and environmental benefits.
Carbon footprint grows with income level
Affluent individuals tend to have larger carbon footprints than those less fortunate.
Casinos are not inevitable
One of the arguments sometimes made in favor of licensing casinos is that Indian tribes in Massachusetts will get full casino licenses under federal law no matter what we do. This appears to be false.
Is a goal of 450ppm (higher than many advise) achievable?
450 ppm is a stretch goal and would require average global emissions over the century to drop more than 1/3 below current emissions.
Economic benefits of casinos
The one clear argument in favor of building casinos is job creation. The creation of construction and low skill jobs is real. As to the revenue benefit for the state, the numbers are unclear.