“I personally remain prepared to go further and increase the gas tax to better fund both roads and transit infrastructure.” You voted for the sales tax, you voted to Tax the Tax on beer and wine(ya that’s right! you taxed a tax!) What won’t you tax? Should I just sign over my check to you? …
I wonder
Will the legislature reverse this rediculous sales tax increase once they realize they have caused the loss of jobs? as long as they get the free lunches, per diem’s, staff that (publiuc has no right to know about) 2010 , I hope the people of massachusetts say ENOUGH !
Non Compete Perversion
Hi Bill, I’ve recently left a company 6 weeks to the day. They are a contract manufacturer serving the medical device industry. I left to go to a competitor. My situation was such that I was being forced to work 70-80hrs each week on salary. I was being held accountable for being a project manager …
More state administrative consolidation — the Sheriffs
One of the sleeper stories in this year’s season of reform is the consolidation of the remaining seven independent Sheriff’s into the state budget. The main cost benefit of this change is that the employees of the sheriffs will purchase their health insurance through the Group Insurance Commission now as state employees.
Comments on Non-competes from Forrester Research
You can find plenty of press coverage about why non-competes ostensibly thwart recruiting top talent to start-ups. What you don’t hear about is how non-competes ultimately help new and established companies alike to retain the talent they’ve invested in, further nurtured and who have become star employees due to their rewarding tenure and success. How can today’s start-ups hope to mature into successful firms if their top performers are easily poached?
A Teacher’s Perspective on Education Technology
Teachers are eager for new technology, but we don’t have enough of it in the schools. The students who have the equipment and really know how to use it for something other than gaming, are not the ones who need it. The rest have to be explicitly taught how to use technology as a learning tool. For my students, I have to teach them how to learn in general first.