As one whose driving is very limited, I am extremely disturbed by the prospect of yet more service cuts. The T needs to employ prudent fiscal management rather than place the burden squarely on the shoulders of riders and other taxpayers. That well is running dry! Thank you, Rep. Brownsberger, for informing us about the …
Suffolk County’s Controversial Holidays
Since Evacuation day and Bunker Hill day have been getting a lot of attention lately, I thought I would post something about the legislative and social history of the two holidays. The first major celebration of Bunker Hill day, by the people of the Commonwealth, was in 1875. The battle was commemorated with a military …
The Zoo!
A number of folks have in touch with me about saving the zoo from the Governor’s veto pen. I am supportive of doing that in principle.
Hearings on MBTA Service Reductions or Fare Increases
The T is now starting a conversation about choices between fair increases and service reductions. See local details and hearing schedules here.
Non-competition agreements should be banned.
Industry representatives claim that non-competition agreements are necessary for companies to protect their intellectual property, more specifically to protect their “trade secrets.” On the contrary, a non-competition (N-C) agreement is the wrong tool for protecting confidential intellectual property (IP). The primary effect of N-C agreements is to suppress competition in the labor market and N-C agreements are unethical.
this proposed law would now be watered down to the point that it will have little impact over its current misuse. With no protection for those making over $100K, mid level managment and design staff is stuck with the same restraint of trade.