Will, I am a Belmont resident and animal lover. I don’t see the point of having two ailing zoos that get by on minimal funding. I have never been to the Franklin or Stone Zoo, but I have read about the funding controversy in the Globe. I have also read a comment posted by another …
Contract buyout for Grabauskas … Can we stop it?
Hi Will, Was wondering if there is anything we can do to prevent the buyout of Grabauskas’s contract for the ridiculous $300K+ value yet still see him depart? I do not understand why the state must digest this payoff.
Continuing the conversation about non-competes
Since the BBO symposium a number of interesting exchanges have occurred by e-mail and in the blogosphere. Here are some links and thoughts.
McCrehan Pool Season Extensions
Latest new: Richard Sullivan, Commissioner of DCR, has extended pool closing to August 30 for many pools, statewide.
Climate/Energy Policy Updates
In this legislative session in Massachusets, we are not expecting much new legislative progress on energy issues, but at the federal level legislation is front and center. Congressman Ed Markey and Energy Secretary Chu seem to be leading us in a good direction.
Increased income tax proposal
I was disappointed to read in the Belmont Citizen-Herald that you are proposing a bill to raise taxes on those making more than $140,000 per year to 7.5% per annum. In these economically difficult times, I believe that the state should be looking for ways to decrease taxes in order to encourage more business expansion. …