My recommendation was that Verizon approach the Board of Selectmen and have a public discussion of all their Belmont area service improvement needs. Put the service drawing up on the screen and have a discussion starting at square zero as to possible locations.
Public Libraries and Accreditation
Will, As you well know many Towns and Cities are in crisis mode dealing with budget shortfalls. In Belmont we are looking at approx a $3.2m deficit assuming a $300k transfer from free cash is applied. An Override is on the table but it is uncertain it will pass and the consequences of passing it …
Overlay Reserve Account Issue
I would support this law change if it were subject to a vote of the people consistent with the spirit of Proposition 2.5. As written right now, there is no such provision for a local electoral vote and I expect to vote against the change. I will make my final decision after listening to debate on the floor.
Questions and Answers about the House Budget
The House begins its Fiscal 2011 budget debate next week. While we will seek to amend the budget in many ways, the major outlines of the budget are unlikely to change. Here are some answers to basic questions about the budget.
Cell Tower Updates
As previously noted, the state Division of Capital Management has terminated Verizon’s lease on the Exit 59 location. Verizon has pushed back on that, but DCAM has remained firm.
MA Appliance Exchange Fiasco
Yesterday, like thousands of others, I wasted much time in a fruitless effort to log into the state’s web site for the appliance rebate program. Of course the telephone option did not work either. This to me is just another example of poor government planning and execution. As someone who has been in the systems work …