Financial pressures and equity considerations require that the state rethink how it provides retirement security. Under the Massachusetts constitution, major changes could only be applied to new employees. An important first question in thinking through change options for new employees is: What does federal law require the state to provide to employees?
I’m in favor of one license plate
More conversations on health care
Stuart Altman, Connie Horgan and Michael Doonan from Brandeis came to the state house this week to hold an informal discussion about health care cost control with legislators and staff.
State financial outlook for 2012 and beyond
State revenues have dropped down to a new, lower trend line. We cannot expect to return to pre-recession spending levels.
Beyond probation
Reformers should be seeking to clean up arrangements that make weak agencies directly beholden to the legislature. The Turnpike Authority was one example. We’ve abolished it, but there are others that come to mind.
Reform noncompete contracts (Resources)
News A noncompete reform bill for the 2011-2012 legislative session has been filed by Rep.s Ehrlich, Brownsberger, Peisch, and others as House Bill 2293 ( The legislators welcome comments on the bill, as it can be revised before filing (and at several points after filing). If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please contact …