Will, thanks for the email. I believe we should go back to Austin and overturn Citizens. Corporations have distinct differences and are not people, though they can act like a person. For example, they do not vote. Sam Ellenport
A Dialogue on Health Care
Q: If health insurance is something one can buy, why not let people buy what insurance they want? A: To call it insurance is a misleading misnomer. Since sickness befalls everyone sooner or later, unlike house fires or auto accidents, we are not protecting ourselves against an event which usually affects other people. The term …
Comment Letter Submitted to the MBTA
I’ve transmitted my comment letter to the MBTA and will be following up with continuing communications to oppose service cuts.
Updated thoughts about the MBTA
My views about the MBTA’s proposed service cuts and fare increases have been evolving. I now oppose all service cuts whether or not they affect my district.
Overturn Citizens United?
I’m looking for input on Senate Resolution 772 which would respond to the Citizens United case which removed limits on corporate spending to influence elections.
Updating the Bottle Bill
Will, When the current Massachusetts nickle Bottle Bill was enacted into law in 1982 the smallest bottled water container was probably one gallon. Today our playgrounds, parks, and roadways are littered with pint-size water bottles and 1982’s nickle is probably worth a penny or two. An update of the Bottle Bill is long overdue. …