Community Preservation Act changes incorporated in FY13 Budget

The FY13 budget includes important changes to the Community Preservation Act and, most notably, provides additional funding. The funding from the state level is substantial, but is only a contingent commitment in FY13 and not at all guaranteed in future years. The budget does give municipalities additional flexibility to apply local revenues to CPA purposes.

Community Planting Day at Alewife Reservation

The City of Cambridge has announced a Community Planting Day at Alewife Reservation Constructed Wetland this Saturday, July 14th.  You can find more information here: constructedwetlandjuly14.aspx.  The City has requested RSVPs by July 11th (today) to Anne Johnson Committee Counsel and Policy Advisor Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger

White List before Banks Pay Electronically;cbsnewsSectionsArea.1 I was recently informed that my business had its banking and my personal information stolen in the Global Payments Hack.  We formally used the company to process credit cards.  And they apparently allowed my personal and small business information to get out into the wild.  Global Payments is now paying for one year of …

Daly Field Hearing

The Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight will hold a hearing on pending legislation, including Senate 2306, an Act authorizing the lease of the Daly Field Complex located in the Brighton section of the city of Boston. The hearing will be held on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 11:30am in Room 222 at the State House. All are welcome to attend and testify if interested.