As you know, the 351 bus recently changed to fewer runs and longer between bus timing as well as an increase in fare. This run services only the weekday timing and is all workers for many Massachusetts key companies such as Mitre Corp., Oracle and Leahy which contribute to stubstantial employment and revenue for the …
A Bold and Responsible Transportation Plan
The Governor released his transportation plan today. He held the release in a large hall at UMass Boston and it was packed. The level of interest reflects a recognition of the significance of the plan. Secretary of Transportation Richard Davey gave an excellent presentation of the plan and the Governor followed with a strong speech …
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Alewife Circle Improvements at Rt. 2 and Rt. 16
Department of Transportation (DOT) officials have updated our office about the ongoing work to improve the Alewife Circle at the intersection of Routes 2 and 16. DOT’s reference number for this project is 605637. DOT is currently performing field testing this week and the agency expects the 75% submittal in March. Specifically, DOT began work …
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Boston Summer Jobs Program
The Boston Summer Jobs program will be accepting applications starting February 1.
Tell us how to improve this website.
At the start of 2013, we made a number changes to the website. The goals of the changes are (1) to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for; (2) to make it easier for people to give us feedback and raise issues. Let us know how we can do better!
Direct Wine Shipments
Recently, I’ve received a number of emails in the form further below. My reply is yes. I do support direct wine shipment. I don’t see a valid reason to restrain this dimension of trade. It is highly unlikely to be the preferred way for some underage person to get access to alcohol. I have long …