Will, Can you tell us where you would stand on this bill? http://boston.com/news/local/blogs/starts-and-stops/2013/09/11/speed-limit-mph-too-slow-says-rep-winslow/EVS0nTyzzbPozQNrWAMEDN/blog.html This is hearsay, but it came from someone involved in the project. When Rt 3 between Burlington and NH was widened, the speed limit was never changed. My understanding is that after a road is majorly reworked, a speed survey is done …
S1637, An Act relative to motor vehicle registration plates
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Transportation. TO: Committee on Transportation FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: S1637, An Act relative to motor vehicle registration plates DATE: September 10, 2013 I am writing in support of S1637, An Act relative to motor vehicle registration plates. Eliminating the requirement for …
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S845, An Act to protect job applicants’ identity and privacy and S846, An Act relative to employee non-competition agreements
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development. TO: Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: Senate Bill 845, An Act to protect job applicants’ identity and privacy; Senate Bill 846, An Act relative to employee non-competition agreements; and House …
H136, An Act to increase the Commonwealth’s compliance with federal law meeting requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development. TO: Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: House Bill 136 DATE: September 10, 2013 I am writing to express my support for the goals of H136, An Act to increase the …
Daly Field Complex Public Meetings Sept. 10 & 25
A reminder that this evening, Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will hold a public meeeting on the leasing and renovation proposal for the Daly Field Complex. The meeting is at Community Rowing Boathouse, 20 Nonantum Road, Brighton. A second public meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 25 for presentation of the final …
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Sea level rise the focus of Boston Globe editorial
The impact of sea level rise and flooding was the subject of the lead editorial in the Boston Globe on Sunday, Sept., 8. This is an issue that Senator Brownsberger has been following closely and working to address. He is the lead sponsorship of bill S.344, which calls for creating a process to address catastrophic flooding …
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