A constituent talked to me about her efforts to recover from the April bombing — unscathed physically, but struggling to shake the experience of just being there. I’m sure that she is one of many who kept their limbs as bystanders in Boston and Watertown, but who are in fact victims. We agreed that I …
H1433 and S1171, An Act to prevent shackling and promote safe pregnancies for female inmates
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on the Judiciary. I write in support of H1433/S1171, An Act to prevent shackling and promote safe pregnancies for female inmates. This bill would prohibit the shackling of pregnant women in state and county correctional facilities during pregnancy, childbirth, and post-delivery recuperation unless they …
Budget Outlook Positive for 2014-5
The state’s finances are looking up as the economy picks up — that was the main message at the annual “Revenue Hearing” today. At the same time, all who spoke cautioned against over-confidence. Every December, lead budget writers for the Governor, the House and the Senate convene to hear presentations from leading experts on the …
S577, An Act regarding higher education opportunities for high school graduates in the Commonwealth
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Higher Education. TO: Joint Committee on Higher Education FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: Senate Bill 577, An Act regarding higher education opportunities for high school graduates in the Commonwealth, and House Bill 1078, An Act regarding tuition equity for …
Letter regarding process of government web site development
Senator Brownsberger passed on the ideas of a constituent for improving the process by whicvh government enters into contracts for web site development. December 9, 2013 John Letchford Chief Information Officer and Assistant Secretary Administration & Finance 1 Ashburton Place, Room 804 Boston, MA 02108 Dear Mr. Letchford, I have recently met …
Continue reading “Letter regarding process of government web site development”
Charles River Basin Connectivity Study
On Tuesday night, I attended a community meeting hosted by DCR and MassDOT to present the Charles River Basin Bike and Pedestrian Connectivity Study. This study was commissioned as part of Governor Patrick’s Accelerated Bridge Program to identify connectivity gaps that place constraints on bike and pedestrian traffic throughout the Charles River Basin and make …